Increase Business Agility and Ability with More Data from Your LMS

Intelligence reporting LMS learning management system SOAR

An LMSi Feature to Increase Your Business’ Agility and Ability

What’s The One Thing That Every Business Needs To Succeed?

i = Information

And to be more specific, the right information.

Iron man tony stark SOAR LMSi learning management system intelligence

Why do we like Tony Stark?

He is the intelligence "the i" behind Iron Man.  Our vision is to help the masses become their own "Iron Man" when it comes to teaching, coaching, training, marketing, managing or discipling others with superior learning management system technology tools. 

When you have the right information, you are empowered and enabled to make the right decisions to help your venture succeed. We want to see you succeed, so we created our Real Time Briefing Intelligence to help you get the most out of your LMSi platform.

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SOAR LMSi’s Real Time Briefing Intelligence gets you the right information that you need when you need it using the following intelligent tools;

  1. interactive assignments (require text, or video response for example)
  2. interactive graded tests (true/false, multiple choice, word match, essay, video confirmation for example)
  3. interactive, fully customizable surveys to not only measure learning retention and new skill development, but also to gather real testimonials and reference statements for marketing, opinions and motives from your employees, customers, clients, students, donors, prospects, or any other people group receiving your announcements, lessons, or marketing messages
  4. engagement reports displaying date/time opened, time spent in lessons, number of times lessons watched, total time spent training/watching/reading, frequency, and daily and inception to date totals

Using SOAR’s Real Time Briefing Intelligence, you can run custom reports to get insight into all of the daily learning activity, engagement, and opinion that is happening in your courses. This information can literally make or break your company and is valuable for the individual teacher, the ministry, or the for profit business.

 LMS for The Individual Teacher – Information Gathering and intelligence for Better Marketing

You may have a photography class that you are selling online and you are looking for ways that you can get your course in front of people who would be interested in taking it.  Throughout the course, you could ask your students about their opinion of various subjects and the presentation of them that will produce "positive references" that can then be sent to the prospect list in your SOAR LMSi CRM to encourage them to join.  You could also ask where they came across your course and what websites they like to visit the most. This will give you valuable information that you can use to market your course to the right audience that is not in your CRM prospect list yet.

LMS for The Ministry – Donor Information Intelligence

At the end of your fundraising gala, all attendees could be group enrolled by the administrator into a “ministry progress” course recapping and giving more detail to the stories of fruit born from your ministry, or personal breakthroughs achieved by the ones being discipled by your ministry.

The list of recipients could include all current and future donors, even those that couldn’t make it to the gala that are included in your SOAR LMSi CRM using the SOAR LMSi Micro Learning feature to deliver this content daily/weekly/monthly to any device along with a customized survey asking what they feel are the most powerful aspects of the ministry’s success from their perspective.

This gives intelligent information, delivered timely, about your ministry to the right people.

As they respond, with this intelligence back to you, you could then use that information to begin to communicate with individuals using the SOAR LMSi private chat feature within the platform and send updated reports that are important to their hearts and help create and/or solidify ongoing commitment to your ministry efforts.

LMS for Business – Employee and Client Intelligence

You can use surveys to gauge how your employees feel about you, your product, your service, your policies/procedures, the work environment and culture.  After distributing a lesson explaining your new policy or procedure, or product or selling method (presentation scripts for example), and then using SOAR LMSi Auto-Graded Testing to establish confirmation everyone understands your message, you can then get opinions and feedback regarding your message. 

You can compare the results over time to see if your work culture and environment are trending up or down.  Your clients can voice concerns or opinions in the context of your message (and be saved for future reference).  You can use 5-star ratings and comments in marketing efforts to existing and potential customers.  You can provide a private format for feedback that may include suggestions to improve what you are thinking, doing, or providing leading to growth and better relationships. 

SOAR LMSi’s Real Time Briefing Intelligence will help you to gather important information directly from the people who mean the most to your business or ministry.

Try it risk-free!

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